Saturday, December 6, 2008

on trying to conquer the world and becoming the next big thing in three steps

i have big dreams. sometimes they seem too big, and recently i think they're growing out of proportion, owing to the fact that i am currently not being very successful in making them come to life in the near future.

i am currently a statistic on the unemployed bracket of the country. i only just graduated, and though some (or most) of my employed friends are being very supportive by saying "take a few gap months and use the small window of opportunity to bum around", i still feel really useless - and so far away from my humongous dreams - while i don't have a job.

i've been telling some people these past few days that i am hell bent on taking over the world. starting with our semi-useless organization which i want to steal the presidency of so i can run it and use my (currently unused) time in improving it. it's just such a waste to have a potentially good org not functioning to bring the best to it's members. that's taking over the world part 1 for me. not the world, fine, but at least a bigger part than that of what i'm currently occupying at the moment. well, this is going to take quite some time, as i'm not even attending the christmas party later because i need a costume, money for the entrance fee, and at least 2 people to come with me to support my cause. apparently no one i know is going, so, so much for my plans to steal the presidency via a coup-inspired plot with my army dressed as parols and christmas ornamets.


taking over the world part 2 would be to get a job (ok, this will take a while longer, as i'm currently struggling with my extreme superiority complex in accepting the fact that i have to start out as slave girl before i get anywhere in life) and become a super power in the country. as i said, this will take a while.

and part 3, which seems the more plausible one yet i'm sure is not easy at all, is that i will bleed my thoughts on paper, convince someone it's worth something, have them publish it and infect the minds of those who actually buy it.

yes, i want to write a book.

the hard part, though, is that i have no idea what to write, how to start writing and if my current state of mind is apt for that kind of thing. and there's always the question of whether the world needs another nobody trying to be somebody by way of manuscripts.

i never realized how hard it is to try and be the next big thing.

but well, gotta start somewhere.

say hello to soon-to-be slave girl.

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