Saturday, December 6, 2008

the continuation of the starbucks thing

dee came to crash last night so i had to shut off the computer and become a decent human being who actually sleeps at night.

lately my biological clock has gone berserk again, and i'd usually get to bed at around 5am. i stay up all night doing whatever things i can think off, from playing snood (which i highly recommend) to editing a video for a family event we have this december. anyway, dee crashed last night so i had to actually try and sleep at night, which kind of worked, since now i am up and blogging before lunchtime (i usually get up past lunch; one time i was up just im time for dinner).

so just to wrap up the whole starbucks thing.

it's funny how people get so drawn in to the idea of starbucks. i mean, there are like around 20 branches in Makati alone (my count, no sources, so try and count them yourself if it seems impossible). and seriously, if you think about it, wherever you are right now, chances are there's one conveniently located near you. that is how ridiculously some people are addicted to the idea of buying a cup of coffee for over a hundred bucks, gulping it down in a cramped interior, trying to look cool and settled so they'd look like they're not doing it to be seen but because it's what they do, really, go to starbucks for coffee with my laptop-slash-mp3 player-slash-posse-slash-entire clan-slash-dog-slash-boyfriend-slash whatever (deep breath).

point is, it's not the coffee or the aroma , or the ambience, or (for those who might be a bit more on the cheesey side) the sense of friendship sharing a good cup of coffee brings (bleh). it's more about the social status, whether we admit it or not.

hey, i never said i was an excemption.

i mean, don't get me wrong, i've had my share of wanting to hang out at starbucks because it's where the cool people at yo. and at some point i did think it was condusive for study, screaming baristas, giggly pre-teens and late blooming adults included.

it's just that at some point, i realized how i was being sucked into the whole bandwagon thing and then i started preferring the smaller (cheaper) coffee shops with free wi-fi and less noise.

still, sitting at starbucks can be pretty amusing.

and their dark cherry mocha frappe is LOVE.

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