Monday, December 8, 2008

offline post number 2

[water] pressure

december 8, 2008

it's 3am and i am still awake (and anticipating the premiere of nancy drew on HBO, wow), and although this is not something new to me (being awake in the wee hours of the morning), this time is the first time that being awake at this hour has meant so much more than just wasting precious hours of much needed sleep and unnecessarily contributing to the ever rising electric bill.

since i have been harvesting ill feelings towards my mom, i know she has been keeping some for me as well, and that is one of my theories as to why i was locked out of the house. that or someone absent-mindedly locked the front door, or they weren't informed that i had not yet gotten home, or because i had stayed out too late than i had informed my dad so they thought i slept over at dee's. whichever one it is, i was locked out.

fortunately for me, my family lives in a compound - there are two other families with different set of locks who i can crash with in case of these *ahem* unfortunate circumstances. (nancy drew's on now.)

so anyway, my grandmother was still up watching princess diaries 2, so i crashed with her (this was at 12:30am-ish). after setting me up with a pillow and a blanket, and other grandmotherly things, she retired to bed, and i to watching zorro. (hey i had a venti dark cherry mocha, remember?)

anyway, as zorro was wrapping up and killing captain love, something suddenly swooshed (not very accurate a sound but something like it) in the bathroom. well, of course i checked it out. and of course it was a connection to a main valve gone wrong. no, not a circuit valve, a MAIN valve. so no, i had no way of turning off the water supply but by through the meter itself.

of course i had no idea where it was.

so i went to wake my grandparents. i mean, what else could i do? the bathroom might get flooded and i had no idea how to stop the thing. so lolo came down to see what was up. so i told him to tell me what to do and i'd take care of it. lolo's been kinda weak these past few weeks/months/years, so i didn't want him to stress himself out. so imagine how effin worried i was when i heard a thump at the top of the stairs. lolo tripped as he was hurrying upstairs to get the flashlight and some pliers. he was breathing really heavily and gasping for air when we entered their room (i seriously wanted to cry). anyway, he told me (with much effort) that the water meter was found outside. so outside i went.

well, not outside enough. lola came down and asked if i found it, but apparently i had to get out of the house - as in out of the gate - to get to the water meter.

long (dramatic) story short, i got out, flashlight and pliers in hand, turned off the meter, and, in a manner of speaking, saved the day.

i was drenched to my bones (yes, i did try and remedy the thing but i am no plumber and my efforts were futile) but i was really really happy. Even i was ultimately scared that something may have happened to my grandfather. but a few minutes after the thing he went down and checked if i had successfully located the thing and if i had in fact turned the meter off.

i was glad that I got locked out, and glad of my poor sleeping habits, and even of staying out too late and breaking a promise of going home at 10pm.


Well, goodnight.

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