Monday, December 8, 2008

offline post number 1

another starbucks night

december 7, 20089:25pm

unfortunately for me, and my current "broken state", i am unable to afford wireless internet access while staying once more at one of my favorite people watching places in the world (starbucks!!!) so i'm doing this offline and am going to copy-paste the entire thing on my blog when i get home.

dee said she needed company while cramming for some office things she needed for tomorrow (haha) so, being the good friend that i am, here i am people watching once more while dee crams and i shamelessly waste away what precious time i have.

i do have things to cram as well, like a certain video presentation i have been putting off since i started it, perhaps due to my ever present procrastination skills, or due to some repressed hatred-slash-mixed-emotions i have towards my mom, which i guess makes me feel like i'm getting some revenge for putting it off, although i'm well aware i'm only cheating myself, and in a few days time i'd be slaving to finish this in time.


so, its the same thing again. although its a different starbucks, the lines are five times as long, the noise ten times as loud (throw in like fifteen kids running around, one toddler bawling his head off) and the place three times as crowded.

geez. since when did this coffee shop turn into a family place-slash-play place?

oh, the planners!

dee completed the sixteen stickers tonight so i got my Christmas gift 18 days early. its a nice planner, contrary to all the bad things i've heard about it. it's not bad at all, and i honestly really like it. (thanks dee, my 2009 will now be a bit more organized, thanks to you!)

anyway, one dude was holding two planners as he left the counter. that's amazing. not the planners, but the amount of coffee he had to consume to get those two at the same time. i mean, it took dee and me, what, like a month? to complete the number of stickers required. and that was with combined efforts so we don't get caffeine overdose and twitch our way through the day. anyway, my bet is that planner guy got two for him and his girlfriend - they're now sitting across each other eyeing each other like all starbucks couples do.

speaking of couples, there's one right behind me who seem to think that starbucks is one of those places you go to when people tell you to go get a room.


they got two tall (meaning SMALL) cups of coffee (with the corresponding stickers on their promo cards, of course) and are now PDA-ing behind me. thank goodness i am a good distance away from them so as not to hear them mumbling in each others' ears.


speaking of starbucks coffee sizes. my sisters trina and nikki had a good laugh with me as we watched the trailer/behind the scenes of sean william scott and paul rudd's new movie.

ok wait. there is so much flirting going on. this is something new! usually it's the over eager college kids doing the flirting with each other but tonight it's kind of different. some over eager almost-not-yuppies-anymore dudes just came up to a table of almost-not-yuppies-anymore chicks and if looks could peel off clothes then by gawd they'd all be naked by now.

ohohoho starbucks is a gold mine of fresh new ideas for some people's over active imaginations. ahem ahem. i'm honestly thinking about renaming my blog something like "starbucks chronicles" or "starbucks diaries" or something of the sort. seriously, i could write an entire book about these things i see here. (and maybe i will haha. *wink*)

anyway, on to beverage sizes. in the movie "role models", paul rudd openly 'criticized' the names of the sizes of the beverages in coffee shops. and when you really think about it, it is funny. i mean, since when was tall small, grande medium and venti large? i mean, SML do the job pretty well, no immediate need to change them into confusing new names.

but that doesn't really bother me as much, so no harm. just pretty funny :P

okay, the coffee maker seems to be broken, and its making a bit too much noise for my taste, and the lines are pretty much as long as they were almost an hour ago (it is now 10:17pm). vicky (who came to join us) actually just had to forego getting a drink or anything to eat, because at the rate things are going she'd be wasting about fifteen minutes standing in line, ten waiting for her drink, and five more if the "people in line to number of drinks ratio" is more than 1:2. and she's cramming for something for school (engineering course) so wasting about half an hour is not exactly an option.

there's just too many people in this particular starbucks (haven't even mentioned the people outside, and the hot dude 10 o'clock of me, which i've been checking out the past 45minutes by cocking my head to the side and faking a thinking face). not a problem for me though, i enjoy being in the midst of all this.

anyway, i've wasted too much space, and now i need to get to the whole point of my entry before this turns out to be a senseless kind of blog, which i don't want it too, because i'm a little bit more than the usual gossip.

but before that i just need to mention that the line is now so long that it's almost gone beyond the main doors.

so. as i was saying.

in my past, what, 2? visits to starbucks, i've come to realize quite a few things about this place. aside from discovering that hanging out here actually stimulates my writing skills and that the most probable reason people come here is because it is "cool", i have also come to know that:

  1. starbucks is a good after date place. obviously after dinner and a movie, or after drinking and dancing, or after whatever way the night was spent, couples tend to go to starbucks for a nice cup of coffee to unwind. or to release pent up sexual tension to end the night safely and not get in a bad mood for the next nine months.
  2. parents really are training their kids to conform. after shopping, or after dinner or a recital or after whatever family activity they've just been to, they go to starbucks to have coffee. so what if the kids are aged five, three and six months?
  3. lines become bearable at starbucks. when you're in line to get your driver's license or even when you're in line at the department store during Christmas rush, you endlessly complain about how it freaking takes forever before your turn. so far no one's complained about the lines here, even if they've been standing the past half hour waiting their turn.
  4. not only lines are bearable here. also the lack of seats and the disgusting public restroom is fine with everyone. i left my seat just to pee (dee got me a VENTI and i have a particularly small bladder thank you) and can i just say shit-what-the-hell-don't-these-self-proclaimed-socialites-know-how-to-use-the-bathroom??? and no five people mind sharing a table with a foot-and-a-half diameter.

the coffee at this particular branch must be THAT good.



vicky got around to buying her drink at exactly 11:09 pm. around that time the lines started to evaporate, perhaps due to curfews of those aged 12 and below. she got her drink at 11:11pm

at 11:12pm, for the first time in the past two hours, the cashier was clear and it belonged to the baristas once more.

"wow, peaceful." - vicky, 11:14pm

11:15pm - the line was forming again.

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